#include #include // libcommon #include "Logger.h" #include "OSTime.h" #include "SysUtils.h" #include "Semaphore.h" // libmascommon #include "MemPool.h" // deps #include "DetUtils.h" #include "ilogger.hpp" #include "trt_infer.hpp" // libyolocrowddetector #include "DetectorAPI.h" #include "YoloCrowdDetector.h" // libheadcountstrategy #include "StrategyAPI.h" #include "HeadCountStrategy.h" #define RUN_TEXT_DRAWING 0 struct CallbackContext { masd::Strategy* strategy; cv::Mat* img; cv::VideoWriter* videoWriter; }; tzc::Semaphore SEMA; void SaveDetectorInfo(const char* info) { std::ofstream outFile("detector_info.json", std::ios::out | std::ios::app); if (outFile.is_open()) { outFile << "{\n\t\"Detector Information\": \"" << info << "\"\n}" << std::endl; outFile.close(); TZLogInfo("Detector information saved to detector_info.json~~~"); } else { TZLogError("Failed to open file for writing!!!"); } } TZ_INT DetectionCallback(SPtr& media, void* ctx) { TZLogInfo("Detection callback triggered!~~~"); // Retrieve the context CallbackContext* callbackContext = reinterpret_cast(ctx); if (!callbackContext || !callbackContext->img || callbackContext->strategy == nullptr) { TZLogError("Error: Invalid context or image pointer!!!"); return -1; } cv::Mat* img = callbackContext->img; masd::Strategy* strategy = callbackContext->strategy; if (img->empty()) { TZLogError("Error: Invalid image pointer!!!"); return -1; } auto allDetRst = media->GetAllDetRst(); int imgWidth = img->cols, imgHeight = img->rows; for (auto it = allDetRst.begin(); it != allDetRst.end(); ++it) { const std::string& detKey = it->first; const SPtr& detProducing = it->second; TZLogInfo("Detection Key: %s~~~", detKey.c_str()); std::cout << "Detection Result: " << detProducing->Result << std::endl; if (!detProducing->Draw.Rects.empty()) { TZLogInfo("Processing Draw Info...~~~"); for (const auto& rect : detProducing->Draw.Rects) { TZLogInfo("Rect: LTX: %.2f, LTY: %.2f, " "RBX: %.2f, RBY: %.2f, Color: %s, Thickness: %d~~~", rect.LTX, rect.LTY, rect.RBX, rect.RBY, rect.Color.c_str(), rect.Thickness); if (!rect.Text.Text.empty()) { TZLogInfo("Text: %s~~~", rect.Text.Text.c_str()); } cv::Scalar color; { std::stringstream colorStream(rect.Color); int r, g, b; char comma; colorStream >> r >> comma >> g >> comma >> b; color = cv::Scalar(b, g, r); } cv::Point topLeft(rect.LTX * imgWidth, rect.LTY * imgHeight); cv::Point bottomRight(rect.RBX * imgWidth, rect.RBY * imgHeight); cv::rectangle(*img, topLeft, bottomRight, color, rect.Thickness); #if RUN_TEXT_DRAWING if (!rect.Text.Text.empty()) { cv::putText(*img, rect.Text.Text, cv::Point(topLeft.x, topLeft.y - 10), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, color, 2); } #endif } } else { TZLogInfo("No Draw Info available.~~~"); } if (detProducing->DetMedia) { const auto& media = detProducing->DetMedia; TZLogInfo("Media Length: %d~~~", media->Length); TZLogInfo("Media DataType: %d~~~", media->DataType); TZLogInfo("Media Height: %d, Width: %d~~~", media->Height, media->Width); } } // Process the strategy inside the callback TZ_INT strategyResult = strategy->DoStrategy(media); if (strategyResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Headcount strategy failed to process the stream info!!!"); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Headcount strategy processed the stream info successfully~~~"); SPtr straProducing = media->GetStraProducing(); if (straProducing) { std::string headcountResult = straProducing->Result.RstName; TZLogInfo("Detected headcount: %s", headcountResult.c_str()); int fontFace = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX; double fontScale = 0.8; int thickness = 2; cv::Scalar textColor(0, 255, 0); cv::Point textPosition(10, 30); cv::putText(*img, headcountResult, textPosition, fontFace, fontScale, textColor, thickness); } else { TZLogWarn("No headcount result found in the stream info."); } callbackContext->videoWriter->write(*img); SEMA.Signal(); return 0; } int main() { // Initialize log INITIALIZE_LOGGER_NORMAL("test", "./test.log", 1, 100, 6, 1, 1); // Initialize memory pool masd::MemPool *pool = masd::MEMPOOL; if (pool->Initialize() != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Memory pool initialization failed!!!"); return -1; } /* Calling libyolocrowddetector and libheadcountstrategy */ // Step 1: // Initialize the SDK TZ_INT initResult = Initialize(); if (initResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to initialize the SDK!!!"); return -1; } TZLogInfo("SDK Initialized Successfully~~~"); // Step 2: // Build yolo-crowd detector masd::Detector* detector = BuildDetector(); if (detector == nullptr) { TZLogError("Failed to build yolo-crowd detector!!!"); Dispose(); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Yolo-crowd detector built successfully~~~"); // Build headcount strategy masd::Strategy* strategy = BuildStrategy(); if(strategy == nullptr) { TZLogError("Failed to build headcount strategy!!!"); Dispose(); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Headcount strategy built successfully~~~"); // Step 3: // Initialize the yolo-crowd detector with configuration parameters std::string initParam = "{\"gpu_id\": 0, \"max_objects\": 1024, " "\"confidence_threshold\": 0.2, \"nms_threshold\": 0.5, " "\"model_path\": \"../../models/yolo-crowd-ft-e60.trt\"}"; TZ_INT initDetResult = detector->Initialize(initParam); if (initDetResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to initialize the yolo-crowd detector!!!"); DestroyDetector(detector); DestroyStrategy(strategy); Dispose(); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Yolo-crowd detector initialized successfully~~~"); // Initialize the headcount strategy TZ_INT initStraResult = strategy->Initialize(); if (initStraResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to initialize the headcount detector!!!"); DestroyDetector(detector); DestroyStrategy(strategy); Dispose(); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Headcount strategy initialized successfully~~~"); // Step 4: // Set yolo-crowd detection configuration (optional) std::string detectConfig = R"({ "freq": 0, "target": { "target_class": 0, "target_threshold": 0.5 }, "focusArea": [ { "LTX": 0.0, "LTY": 0.0, "RBX": 1.0, "RBY": 1.0 } ], "ignoreArea": [ { "LTX": 0.0, "LTY": 0.0, "RBX": 0.0, "RBY": 0.0 } ] })"; TZ_INT setDetCfgResult = detector->SetDetectCfg(detectConfig); if (setDetCfgResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to set yolo-crowd detection configuration!!!"); DestroyDetector(detector); DestroyStrategy(strategy); Dispose(); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Yolo-crowd detection configuration set successfully~~~"); // Set headcount strategy configuration (optional) std::string headcountConfig = R"({ "TimeThreshold": 5 })"; TZ_INT setStraCfgResult = strategy->SetStrategyCfg(headcountConfig); if (setStraCfgResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to set headcount strategy configuration!!!"); DestroyDetector(detector); DestroyStrategy(strategy); Dispose(); return -1; } TZLogInfo("Headcount strategy configuration set successfully~~~"); // Step 5: // Simulate frame processing with using test MP4 cv::VideoCapture videoCapture("../../media/video.mp4"); if(!videoCapture.isOpened()) { TZLogError("Failed to load test video!!!"); DestroyDetector(detector); DestroyStrategy(strategy); Dispose(); return -1; } TZ_INT videoWidth = static_cast(videoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)); TZ_INT videoHeight = static_cast(videoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)); TZ_INT videoFPS = static_cast(videoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS)); cv::VideoWriter videoWriter("output_video.mp4", cv::VideoWriter::fourcc('X', '2', '6', '4'), videoFPS, cv::Size(videoWidth, videoHeight)); if (!videoWriter.isOpened()) { TZLogError("Failed to open video writer!!!"); DestroyDetector(detector); DestroyStrategy(strategy); Dispose(); return -1; } cv::Mat frame; while(videoCapture.read(frame)) { if(frame.empty()) { TZLogError("Failed to read frame from video!!!"); break; } TZ_INT length = frame.total() * frame.elemSize(); SPtr mediaResource = std::make_shared(length); mediaResource->Width = frame.cols; mediaResource->Height = frame.rows; mediaResource->DataType = frame.type(); mediaResource->Mem = frame.data; SPtr streamInfo = std::make_shared(); streamInfo->SetMediaRsc(mediaResource); CallbackContext callbackContext{strategy, &frame, &videoWriter}; detector->DoDetect(streamInfo, DetectionCallback, &callbackContext); SEMA.Wait(); } // Step 6: // Print DetGetInformation char detectorInfo[4096]; TZ_INT infoResult = GetInformation(detectorInfo); if (infoResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to get detector information!!!"); Dispose(); return -1; } SaveDetectorInfo(detectorInfo); // Step 7: // Destroy the detector DestroyDetector(detector); TZLogInfo("Detector destroyed successfully~~~"); // Destroy the strategy DestroyStrategy(strategy); TZLogInfo("Detector strategy successfully~~~"); // Step 8: // Dispose the SDK TZ_INT disposeResult = Dispose(); if (disposeResult != masd::MEC_OK) { TZLogError("Failed to dispose the SDK!!!"); return -1; } TZLogInfo("SDK disposed successfully~~~"); return 0; }